A helpful A-Z of terms, terminology, ideas and issues in English language teaching.
Back Channelling in TEFL
Back channelling is the feedback which a listener gives to a speaker to show that (s)he is following, or understands what the speaker is saying.
Tense Versus Aspect in TEFL
What's the difference between a tense and an aspect in English, and what are the different tenses and aspects?
9 Ways to Check Understanding in TEFL
When should we check that our learners understand, and how should we check their understanding?
Genre in TEFL
In English language teaching, a genre is a text type (spoken or written) which has a distinctive form and content and which is socio-culturally recognisable.
Top Down Vs Bottom Up Processing in TEFL
The way in which we process and understand written and spoken texts can be either top-down or bottom-up. So what do we mean by this?
Teaching Techniques: Concept Questions
Concept questions (also referred to as CCQs) are questions designed to check learners’ understanding of a language item. So how do we make them?
List of Irregular Verbs
A list of some of the more common irregular verbs in English.
Anaphoric, Cataphoric and Exophoric Referencing
A look at anaphoric, cataphoric and exophoric referencing in English language teaching.
Teaching Techniques: 6 Steps to Effective Drilling
Drilling is a way of standardising pronunciation of a language item and developing fluidity. When and how should we drill language in a TEFL lesson?
How to Plan a TEFL Lesson
What is a TEFL lesson plan and what should it include? A step by step guide to planning lessons for English language teaching.
Phonemic Chart for TEFL
This phonemic chart contains all of the 44 sounds, or phonemes, found in spoken English, with the symbols taken from the International Phonetic Alphabet.
5 Features of Connected Speech
A look at assimilation, elision, delayed plosion, catenation and intrusion in connected speech.