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Here’s some more info about the activity:
Language point | Present simple and present continuous tenses |
Aim | To practise using the present simple and present continuous tenses. |
Activity | Students complete sentences and questions. |
Organisation | Individual / pair work |
Preparation | Make enough copies of the worksheet for the number of students in your class. |
What do I do? |
Is it simple?
PLAY (x2)
1. ______________________________________________________________?
I always __________________ at 8am.
2. ______________________________________________________________?
They __________________ their friends in Manchester today.
3. ______________________________________________________________?
She __________________dinner with her grandmother every Tuesday.
4. ______________________________________________________________?
I __________________ to the dentist once a year.
5. ______________________________________________________________?
He __________________tennis at the moment.
6. ______________________________________________________________?
He __________________ basketball twice a week.