Business English Board Game

This is a downloadable ESL board game for communicative practice of business English topics and vocabulary.

Keith Taylor
Updated 4 December, 2024

Business English board game

Download this activity for free!

Here’s some more info about the activity:

Aim To develop fluency in a business English context.
Activity Students ask and answer questions about their job in order to move along the board and reach the end.
Organisation Group work
Preparation Make a copy of the board game for each group of three or four students.
Each player needs a counter and each group needs a dice.
What do I do?
  1. Divide students into groups of 3 or 4.
  2. Give each player a counter and each group a dice.
  3. Students place their counters on START and throw the dice to decide who starts.
  4. Student A throws the dice and moves forward that number of squares.
  5. Student B asks Student A the question on that square. Student A must answer the question and talk about the subject for at least 30 seconds. If Student A succeeds, his/her counter remains where it is. If not, the counter returns to its original square.
  6. Students take it in turns, repeating step 5 and moving around the board until one student reaches FINISH. This student is the winner.

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