Write a review

Share your TEFL course experience to help other people choose the right course.

TEFL course reviews


1 = Poor   10 = Excellent    Leave blank or choose N/A if not applicable
How would you rate the quality of the course curriculum, materials and lessons?
Practical teaching experience
How would you rate the teaching practice and lesson planning guidance?
Job guidance
How would you rate the job assistance / guidance (workshops, interview practice, CV guidance, job resources)?
How would you rate the course's value for money?
Course instructor
How would you rate the course instructor (subject knowledge, approachability, feedback)?
Advice and support
How would you rate the advice and support you received from staff before, during and after the course?
How would you rate your overall experience on the course?


Tips and guidelines for writing your review on Eslbase

Give your review a short title that best describes your experience
40 words minimum
When did you complete the course?


Appears on your review
Does not appear on your review
Does not appear on your review
Optional - Appears on your review
Optional - Upload your course certificate

Maximum file size: 3MB

Uploading your certificate is optional, but it allows us to quickly and easily verify that you took the course that you are reviewing. This means we can publish your review more quickly, so we do recommend it!