Find Someone Who… Have you ever?

This is a downloadable “find someone who” ESL activity to practise present perfect and “Have you ever…?” questions in the context of travel.

Keith Taylor
Updated 4 December, 2024

Activity to practise the present perfect in the context of travel

Download this activity for free!

Here’s some more info about the activity:

Aim To practise the present perfect tense in the context of travel, with have you ever…? questions.
Activity Students ask and answer questions to complete a “find someone who” questionnaire.
Organisation Individual and whole class
Preparation Make enough copies of the worksheet for the number of students in your class.
What do I do?
  1. Hand out questionnaires.
  2. Students read through the questionnaire and think about the questions they need to ask.
  3. Students mingle, and complete the questionnaire by writing students’ names in the box if they answer “yes”.
  4. The objective is to find at least one “yes” for each question.

To develop fluency, encourage students to expand on their answers, rather than just giving you a “yes” or “no”.

Who | names?

(see) the Pyramids
(lose) their passport
(lose) a plane ticket
(sleep) in a tent
(ride) a camel.
(have) food poisoning
(miss) a flight
(visit) the Statue of Liberty
(swim) in a lake

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