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Here’s some more info about the activity:
Aim | To practise irregular past simple tense. To develop listening and pronunciation skills. |
Activity | Students complete a story by dictating sentences across the classroom. |
Organisation | Pair work |
Preparation | Make enough copies of the activity for the number of pairs in your class. |
What do I do? |
Last summer Mark and Jane went on holiday together. It was very hot so they spent most of their time on the beach.
One day at lunchtime Mark bought two drinks and a hamburger. He paid 20 euros. The next day, Jane went to the same cafe.
Jane learned how to windsurf and Mark lay in the sun reading. On the beach, there was a small cafe that sold drinks, ice cream and hamburgers.
She bought three drinks and two hamburgers and paid 35 euros. The following day, Mark bought a drink and a hamburger…
How much did he pay?